Tuesday, April 3, 2007

So, We Need This...Why?

This is probably a hot-button issue for a lot of people out there. The title of the post may seem a little whimsical, but I must affirm it is serious. And it is also without rancor, so please bear that in mind as you proceed...

I am given to understand that the Equal Rights Amendment is back on the legislative circuit, or soon will be. The names have been changed to protect the failed (mild sarcasm intended), but I've been led to believe it's the same idea that tried before and was found wanting. What I have to ask (and again I point out this is a serious question), is why do we need this?

Now, I don't think that my political leanings are any secret to anyone who has taken the time to glance at my profile or read some of the other stuff that I've written. Hard-core Christian conservative, through and through. Having said that, I do believe that in all respects, gender should not be a determining factor in the attainment of rights under law. I also consider male and female to be full and equal creations under God from a spiritual standpoint, and hold no conception of superiority of one gender over another overall. (I will confess to belief that certain specific areas of endeavor strongly favor one sex over another. E.g., I could spend the rest of my life trying to mother a child, and somehow I don't think I would make it.)

Taking all of that into account, I still ask the question: Why do we need another amendment? What is this one supposed to do that the 14th does not? The amendment process is long, expensive, and contentious. I think it foolish to distract from other business if we are talking about a purely symbolic gesture. So back to the question: Why this? What do we need it for? What do we hope to gain? Anyone up for discussion?

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